Monday, July 26, 2010

The Winning Goal for the Day

I am prompted to write this after the dust has settled over Spain’s winning goal in the World Cup match Sunday, July 11, 2010. Don’t worry if you are not a fan.

All you need to know is that the two teams were tied 0-0 at the end of the first half, 0-0 at the end of the second half, 0-0 at the end of the FIRST 15 minutes of extra time, and that Spain scored a goal about 5 minutes into the second 15 minutes of extra time, and that they managed to hang onto that lead for ten more minutes.

A cliff-hanger, you might say (although I found it all a bit boring).

So did the Spanish team shower, don casual clothes and hop on a 1 a.m. flight home? I doubt it.

They probably went to bed at all different hours, and some poor manager had the job of locating each player for the flight home the next day.

But this I’ll guarantee: Each player, wherever and whenever and however they dropped off to sleep later that night/morning had one thought in mind: We got our goal!

I Reached My Goal

At the end of the day I’ll often field a phone call from a close friend or two, “How did you day go?”.

If that day I’d met a CEO/CFO/COO face-to-face for the first time, my day has been successful.

If that day I’d managed to clear one of my desks of junk, my day has been successful.

If that day I’d tested and delivered a deliverable phase of a project, my day has been successful.

If that day I’d completed and dispatched my tax returns, my day has been successful.

If that day I’d {fill in your goal here} , my day has been successful.

You Get the Idea

At the start of each day I write on the back of an old business card a single goal. It’s usually something that’s been bugging me.

What will make me happy at the end of the day?

As I write this at 6:10 a.m. on a muggy summer morning, I know I’ll feel happy tonight if by then I have completed fixes to the Booster project and have issued a ZIPped file with my latest efforts.

No matter what else I get done, no matter who else I meet, no matter what new projects or cheques arrive, at the end of the day I will lean back, relaxed and happy, if I’ve emailed that ZIP file.

That’s why I have a stack on old business cards, blank face out, in a little holder right next to my monitor.

And a little holding-slot that takes just one card, atop my monitor.

Talk to Me !

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