Saturday, November 21, 2009

How Not To Swat a Gnat

If you’ve ever tried to swat one of those fruit-fly gnat-like creatures by clapping it between two hands, you’ll understand frustration.

The gnat dances right in front of your eyes, between you and the computer screen.

You raise your hands, palms inwards, at eye level, and bring them together sharply.

The gnat dances right in front of your eyes, between you and the computer screen.

You raise your hands, palms inwards, at eye level, and bring them together sharply.

The gnat dances right in front of your eyes, between you and the computer screen.

And so on.

What’s Happening?

The cushion of air that builds up between your palms as they approach each other flushes the air-like gnat out of the way.

I can hear my gnat screaming “Wheee!” as it discovers the joy of early-morning surfing.

What to do?

Slow down.

A slower bringing-together of the hands achieves the goal with less repetition, less energy, less noise, and probably less mess-on-the-hands.

The same might apply when approaching a prospect.

References: The Akond of Swat

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