Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ethics of the Coin Toss

When faced with an agonizing decision, the easiest way to resolve it is to toss a fair coin. Heads or Tails.
I can't decide whether to stay home and work for five hours on necessary administrative tasks or whether to spend two hours traveling and three hours networking.
Easy Solution:
Toss a coin. Heads I head downtown, tails I turn tail and stay at home.
The coin is tossed.
It comes down … it doesn't matter what it comes down.
You will know immediately what you ought to do by the way you feel about the outcome.
If you feel joyous, then that's what your subconscious is telling you and you are harmonious.
If you feel sad, then that's what your subconscious is telling you and you are wracked with guilt or remorse.
It always works!
Feeling good represents confirmation of deep-seated thoughts.
Feeling bad represents conflict.
Try it next time you are indecisive.

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