Thursday, February 11, 2010

SEO on the Cheap

A call last night from a colleague, looking at a job to help boost rankings on a web site. Maybe bring in a Copywriter? Maybe DIY? What do I think?

I think that no one truly knows what makes search engines tick. I know that 37 people will come up with 37 different ideas.

I suspect that Google ignores keyword tags

I believe that Google runs for the benefit of searchers, and that Google doesn't have it in for me, the web page writer; is neither for me not against me. Just couldn't care less.

Only if my pages are perceived as having use to the readers will I rank high.

Therefore "Real Estate Toronto" isn't likely to do much for me; nor is "Excel Training Toronto".

My best bet is to ask Google what keywords are being used, and to build web pages that employ the serach terms people use.

You will notice in the previous paragraph a slip of my fingers while typing. I make that mistake five times a day - I'm not kidding. Some people can't spell milenium. Anyone who searches for a bokkeeper needs help, and that help could come from you - if you include "bokkeeper" in your web page.

So, What to Do?

"Management Measures", and if you aren't measuring, then you aren't managing.

Establish a dollar figure budget with the client: $250 for you up front, up to $300 if a copywriter is brought in. (If your client doesn't have the cash to play the game, walk away from the game, politely).

Work with the client and write the web page; do the best you, as readers (not writers) think you can. Upload the web page and monitor it with Google Search.

When it appears (you know that Google has indexed it!), take the page and Google Search results to a Copywriter and ask them if, given the (measured) facts they think they can help you.

Negotiate a base fee for work, say $200 for a new page, and sweeten the pot with an additional $20 for every rung higher than YOU have reached. Everyone should be happy with a fee/commission on results system. (Dollar amounts may vary; don't stick to my $200/$20).

Since neither of you know what really works, it is a gamble.

But since you have put measurements in place, it's a Controlled Gamble.

You are not in danger of pouring money down the tube. You will stick within your budget.

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