Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Management Measures Supplies

It’s that time of year when people hand out “day-timers”, promotional material that comes with a message.

Visit for this image! ManagementMeasuresEnvelopes_HPIM4205.JPG

Here’s a typical example, provided for me from a neighbour, at my request.

Visit for this image! ManagementMeasuresEnvelopes_HPIM4206.JPG

Inside we have one face per month.

The booklet itself occupies very little space, but we can load the inside with every cyclic expense in the coming year, the better to budget and plan our expenses.

Example 1:

Note the date of replacement of each printer cartridge.

Example 2:

Note the quantity of postage stamps at each purchase

Example 3:

Note subscriptions to networking groups, ISPs, domain registration and the like.

Now you have no excuse for ignorance of upcoming expenses as they fall due.

And yes, the booklet lives on your desk, close to your keyboard and phone!

Talk to Me !

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