Saturday, April 2, 2011

6 Orion Street, Southern Cross, WA 6426

A weakness of mine is to use Google Alerts. A sub-weakness is to use Google Alerts to keep track of my past.

So up pops a hit from “ southern cross yilgarn

I spent my first two nights in Southern Cross, back in June 1956, in that hotel.

For roughly $cdn1.5M I could quit my day job and run a hotel.

I was struck by the phrase “Only a full inspection will do justice to your consideration” because that’s exactly how I feel about me when discussing my products and services – if only the prospect would take a sample or a trial run, they’d see just how good I/it am/is, and then they’d buy the whole deal.

Now, how to translate “Only a full inspection will do justice to your consideration” into “Why not invite me in for a chat?”.

Talk to Me !

"Orion Street"? Yes. In Southern Cross, named after the constellation, the streets are named after stars and constellations.

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