Now as soon as you read that you thought of stationery, computer accessories, and ground coffee, right?
Well, yes.
But as an entrepreneur, what do you value coming in more than stationery, computer accessories, and ground coffee?
That's right!
Think of your clients as suppliers, your most important suppliers, for without your clients you don't get revenue, and without revenue you can't consider stationery, computer accessories, and ground coffee.
That's a fact.
Now Deluce said "Never leave yourself with only one supplier; you must have choice and some tension to ensure value", and if that is true of your suppliers, and if your clients are suppliers, then Deluce's statement translates into "Never leave yourself with only one client; you must have choice and some tension to ensure value", and how often have you heard that?
I am in touch with one entrepreneur who has one well-paying client, yet is unhappy with the relationship.
"So go get another client" I suggest, but Oh no, "better the devil you know".
Trouble is, once that client becomes unhappy with the relationship, my friend will be stranded high and dry.